Object-Oriented Database Management Systems - An Evaluation

G. Kappel, S. Rausch-Schott, W. Retschitzegger, M. Schrefl, U. Schreier, M. Stumptner, S. Vieweg
Technischer Bericht
TRE9202 (Dezember, 1992)
Technical Report, ODB/TR92-21, Institute of Applied Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Vienna, Dezember 1992


In this document the evaluation of four object-oriented database management systems (OODBMSs) is presented. The evaluation is based on a criteria catalogue, which has been developed by the authors. The evaluation of all four products is based on written information (manuals) provided by the product developers and local distributors. In addition, there exists extensive practical experience with ObjectStore, Ontos, and GemStone. Last but not least, in-depth oral discussions have been held with the product developers and local technical support of ObjectStore and Versant.

The evaluated releases of the OODBMS products are: