Situation Diagrams
- Authors
- P. Lang, W. Obermair, M. Schrefl
- Paper
- Lang96a (1996)
- Citation
Roland R. Wagner, Helmut Thoma (eds.): Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference (DEXA '96), Zurich, Switzerland, September 1996, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 1134, ISBN 3-540-64656-X, pp. 400-421, 1996. - Resources
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Active database systems use situation-action rules to define which action has to be taken when a particular situation occurs. Situation diagrams, which are introduced in this paper, provide a high-level graphical representation of situations for the conceptual design of active object-oriented databases. A situation is specified declaratively as a graphical query with temporal and logical conditions over members of object classes, event classes, and interval classes.