HARMONIsed network through smart technology and Collaboration (HARMONIC)

Project duration
June 2023 - May 2026
Project website
Funded by
Europäische Union (EU), HORIZON Europe, Research and Innovation Actions, SESAR3 Joint Undertaking (HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01)
Project number

Short description

Based on the results obtained mainly from SESAR W2, this project completes key developments of the Demand and Capacity Balancing (DCB) operational concept in those areas where improvements would make the implementation of the operational concept more efficient. The core focus being: -to provide automatic support for spot analysis and particularly resolution, using what-if simulations that can find optimal solutions with most appropriate combinations of airspace configurations, choice of flights and measure or set of combined measures selection; -to integrate and harmonise the constraints of the network actors, such as departure and arrival airports, Integrated Network management and ATC Planning (INAP) Actors, Terminal Management Areas (TMA) and the Airspace Users (AU), to supply network-wide solutions that respect constraints and priorities as far as possible; -to further integrate the Dynamic Airspace Configuration (DAC) concept with INAP and Network Management (NM), increasing the flexibility of the process to be more efficient in the usage of available capacity. The main benefits that the project will provide are an increase of capacity, cost-efficiency of Air Traffic Services (ATS), flexibility and cost reduction of AU and fuel efficiency. The developments are grouped into two solutions: -Enhanced Demand Management, covering the two first areas; -Dynamic Airspace Configuration, covering the third. It is a goal for this project to provide mature evolutions to the forementioned concepts, with some elements becoming candidates for early deployment and that can integrate the new architecture of integrated Network Management (iNM).

Project partners

Project team
Christoph Schütz (DKE)